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» Materials Handling Equipment » Balance Trolleys » Single Handle Balance Trolleys - 500Kg Capacity

Single Handle Balance Trolleys - 500Kg Capacity

Single Handle Balance Trolleys - 500Kg Capacity
Single Handle Balance Trolleys - 500Kg Capacity

Single Handle Balance Trolleys - 500Kg Capacity

Our range of Balance Trolleys are a fully welded, blue enamelled sturdy steel construction giving a 500Kg capacity with a choice of either solid rubber cushion or pneumatic wheels for rough terrain.

The central axle gives perfect balance and ease of manoeuvrability.

Each model has a softwood deck and ends with an optional removable sided trolley.

  • Choice of Ø355mm Rubber Cushion or Ø400mm Pneumatic Wheels.
  • Can be balanced on handle end only - for balance on both ends see: BT/9311/CT/RB
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SKU Description H x W x D (mm) Wheels Body Size (H x W x D) mm
BT/9511/CT/RB Flatbed Trolley 920 x 686 x 1310 355mm Rubber Cushion W686 x D1220mm
BT/9521/CT/RB Flatbed Trolley 920 x 762 x 1660 355mm Rubber Cushion W762 x D1524mm
BT/9531/CT/RB Flatbed Trolley 920 x 915 x 1905 355mm Rubber Cushion W915 x D1828mm
BT/9512/CT/RB Sided Balance Trolley 920 x 686 x 1310 355mm Rubber Cushion 200 x 686 x 1220
BT/9522/CT/RB Sided Balance Trolley 920 x 762 x 1660 355mm Rubber Cushion 200 x 762 x 1524
BT/9532/CT/RB Sided Balance Trolley 920 x 915 x 1905 355mm Rubber Cushion 200 x 915 x 1829
BT/9511/PT/RB Flatbed Trolley 920 x 686 x 1310 400mm Pneumatic W686 x D1220mm
BT/9521/PT/RB Flatbed Trolley 920 x 762 x 1660 400mm Pneumatic W762 x D1524mm
BT/9531/PT/RB Flatbed Trolley 920 x 915 x 1905 400mm Pneumatic W915 x D1828mm
BT/9512/PT/RB Sided Balance Trolley 920 x 686 x 1310 400mm Pneumatic 200 x 686 x 1220
BT/9522/PT/RB Sided Balance Trolley 920 x 762 x 1660 400mm Pneumatic 200 x 762 x 1524
BT/9532/PT/RB Sided Balance Trolley 920 x 915 x 1905 400mm Pneumatic 200 x 915 x 1829

Single Handle Balance Trolleys